
[Human Design]
The Epic Experience of Human Design Online!

Human Design is a new generation navigation system that helps you free your mind to listen to your body’s inherent intelligence and follow your inner compass in these crazy times.

Are You looking for the right path and for your True Self with Astrology, Personal Development books, Yoga and more? Whether you already know Human Design or not, this event is for You!

The festival is about connecting and deepening your own experience of the Human Design System through interactive master classes and workshops from IHDS Certified teachers and facilitators.

Let’s get together internationally, explore and celebrate life and the new reality!

35+ Speakers

24/7 Zoom access

Facebook Discussion Group

[Online & Live]
Festival Program
[Our Timetable]
At What Time?

Today, what started as a small conference has turned into the unmissable rendez-vous for Human Design Enthusiasts. This is the ONLINE/Streamed Program. For the LIVE in Sofia, please click here: https://humandesignravefestival.com/schedule-1-2

First Day (Wed)
January 17, 2023
Second Day (Thurs)
January 18, 2023
Third Day (Fri)
January 19, 2023
Fourth Day (Sat)
January 20, 2023
Fifth Day (Sun)
January 21, 2023
Sixth Day (Mon)
January 22, 2023
12.00 pm - 13.30 pm
Grand Opening - streamed live
We will gather together, live, and online, for the first time as a conscious unified field, that vibrates Human Design. The opening will be guided by Nisarg Nikiel, a well-known radiant Reflector, first wave teacher.
13.30 pm - 15.00 pm
Coffee Break
It's hard to learn things on an empty stomach.
15.00 pm - 16.30 pm
BG 5 Functional Penta Experiments, Ioan Nistor-streamed
Are you ready to play? We are going to conduct different Penta experiments.– Forming Functional and Dysfunctional Pentas to work and compete with each other, etc.
17.00 pm - 18.30 pm
Nathalie Keijzer-BG5 Event & OC16 Experiment - streamed
Since being in groups is natural part of our social, family, and work lives, being able to understand the impact that group dynamics has on us is an important aspect of our awareness. By looking at the nature of the Wa, a group made up of nine to sixteen people, we can better understand one of most potent forms of conditioning.
18.30 pm - 19.30 pm
Living Your Design: Navigating Global Change, Ryan Hanna
During this interactive learning session, we will discuss how essential it is to decondition our Not-Self strategies and their dependencies on the Cross of Planning era, and evolve to a place of making decisions according to our Strategy & Inner Authority, as our Type.
20.00 pm - 21.30 pm
Language and Communication in Times of Change, Meris Oliveira
Passionate about Language and Communication in Times of Change, Méris will discuss how Language is vital in the process of self-knowledge within the teachings of Certified Original Human Design. Each human being is unique and has a Throat Center that functions in a unique way.
08.30 am - 10.00 am
Parents and Children: Is it Possible to Raise a Unique Being? Julia Kalinina
Julia will share her vision and experience of how you can build a truly 9-center relationship between parent and child. And, of course, how to help a child align with Strategy and Authority so that it is not coercion on the part of the parent, pushing away this knowledge and causing rebellion 🙂
10.00 am - 11.30 am
The G Magic, Pavaka Katzir
So, this lecture is not about the world. It is about you in the world and what you need to be prepared for, in order not only to survive but to use the challenges of the time to unfold your unique abilities.
12.00 pm - 13.30 pm
No Water, No Moon, Yogeshwar Kasture
Join me in discovering the sheer beauty of the Mind and Maia, for they hold the key to a profound understanding, waiting to be unlocked through the magic of your own unique experiences.
12:00 pm -13:30 pm
The Mammalian Design and the Coming 2027 Mutation
Mammalian design is calculated in a fundamentally different way than that of human beings. The matrix is five-centered, containing fifteen Gates and the so-called interspecies connecting portals, which allow the establishment of a very close relationship with human beings.
13.30 am - 15.00 pm
PHS-Primary Health System Introduction, Don Elwik
It's hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
15.00 pm - 16.30 pm
Mechanics of Sexuality and Love, Veronica de Boer-streamed
Within the Body Graph, there are themes that represent specific expressions of love and sexuality. Some of them are based in transpersonal love, and others in personal love and the various forms affect the way love and sex are experienced.
17.00 pm - 19.30 pm
Priorities in the Bodygraph & Simplifying Human Design, Jakub Střítezský
As someone with predominance in the individual circuitry, Jakub's passion is personal empowerment, inner freedom and authenticity. His focus is on simplifying the message and helping future professionals translate the ideas of Strategy and Authority into a tangible experience for their clients.
17:00 pm - 18:30 pm
7 vs 9
Do you know the reality, when you are deeply into Human Design practice, and your partner/family isn’t? How to co-exist, when you have 9 Centers, and those around you are still only 7 Chakras? 🙂
20.00 pm - 21.30 pm
Linda Bunnell-Interview
Lynda Bunnell, the Director of IHDS will be available for Q&A. Is there something you want to ask? Please, drop us an email: hd.rave.fest@gmail dot com
21:00 pm - 22:30 pm
Family Penta Dynamics
Each individual has a self-contained aura that differentiates us in this grand illusion of separateness. But what happens when a group of 3 to 5 people come together? A trans-auric form emerges, a.k.a the Penta, which has its own agendas. Are you aware of it’s impact on you? How it influences your everyday experiences, your values, and maybe your whole life?
21:00 pm - 22:30 pm
Sound Healing & Zen Food Meditation
10.00 am - 11.30 am
Nature&Nurture–the Real Human Experiential Way, Idalina Fernandes
We talk so much about the Not-Self in Human Design. It is so easy to describe it and foresee how it will manifest. The True Self, on the other hand, can be quite surprising. It is uniqueness on display. But how do we get there and stay there.
12.00 pm - 13.30 pm
Manifestors, Pavaka Katzir-streamed
Manifestors thrive with freedom and autonomy. One of the worst things for Manifestors is to be in an overly controlled, micro-managed environment.
13.30 pm - 15.00 pm
Ying and Yang, Bhan Tough, Jane Bratslavska
While teaching HD courses I was constantly getting the same question – why? There is no difference between humans that are in female and male bodies? Finally I decided to dive into this and show my perspective on this topic.
15.00 pm - 16.30 pm
The Advent of the 9 Centered Being, Darshana-Streamed
The Advent of the 9-Centered Being, that has brought the necessary elements for the mutation in 2027.
17.00 pm - 18.30 pm
OC16 Experiment, Nathalie Keijzer-streamed
Conducting an OC16 (WA) experiment. Part of the experiment will be the "Networking meetings and Cocktail" open to participants and other Human Design Enthusiasts.
18.30 pm - 20.00 pm
Manfesting Generator Mechanics, Peter Berv
Over 30% of humanity are Manifesting Generators. Many of the mechanics laid out for MGs apply to the Sacral-to-Throat connection of the Channel of Charisma, but there are many other ways that one can be this type of Generator and have “manifesting potential”.
20.00 pm - 21.30 pm
Incarnation Crosses 1&2 Quarter, Ruth Brennan
It’s my greatest passion as a student, practitioner, teacher, and analyst to look at Human Design through the wondrous Mandala and the Incarnation Crosses. You can see so much in an individual’s design and the part they’re designed to play in the evolutionary puzzle.
10.00 am - 11.30 am
Projectors 400 years, Darshana-streamed
The Role of Projectors coming in, 400 years ago, together with the Mystical Way.
12.00 pm - 13.30 pm
Nude-Helpless Observer, Amaya Blanco Alzola-streamed
Embracing uncertainty, you are not free to choose.
A nine centered being´s life does not run on security, it runs on the experience of being and not knowing what tomorrow is going to be like.
13.30 pm - 15.00 pm
Ra Uru Hu-the Man, the Teacher, the 5/1 Profile, Therese Jegersberger
I am happy to elaborate on my presentation about my time in Ibiza between 2004 and 2010 (I arrived there in 1998 but only met HD and Ra in 2004 and left one year before Ra Uru Hu’s death). I will present photos, who were taken by Stephen Rebollido during all these Ibiza events and some photos never seen before.
15.00 pm - 16.30 pm
Cosmoslogy Fairytale, Bambaji-streamed
I would like to invite you to listen to a Fairy Tale, a Cosmic Fairy Tale, based on the teachings from Rave Cosmology. I have a journey to share, a voice within that asks to be heard. Will you listen?
17.00 pm - 18.30 pm
Human Design Shamanic Talk, Peter Berv
Come explore how Human Design and the shamanic path inform one another. What are the tools we can harness as world bridges in this time of mutation?
18.30 pm - 20.00 pm
Incarnation Crosses 3&4 Quarter, Ruth Brennan
It’s my greatest passion as a student, practitioner, teacher, and analyst to look at Human Design through the wondrous Mandala and the Incarnation Crosses. You can see so much in an individual’s design and the part they’re designed to play in the evolutionary puzzle.
20.30 pm - 22.00 pm
Cacao Ceremony & Ecstatic Dance & Carwash- streamed
Dance like no one is watching – together! No verbal communication, no substances, no bright light. Only you, your body moving freely in the rhythm of live drums and other instruments.
08.30 am - 10.00 am
Conscious Parenting Experiment with a Special Needs Child, Yana Gavrilita
Human Design and parenting by design.
10.00 am - 11.30 am
De-conditioning in 3 Phases, Allanah & Hagen-streamed
It is our roadmap for building bandwidth and de-conditioning in ways that are natural and safe. We offer an additional framework that may make it easier to recognize where people really are in their journey and how to attune to their next developmental step.
12.00 pm - 13.30 pm
Undefined Heart Centre or I am Lucky, Darja Krastina-streamed
My lecture will draw from my personal experience on navigating life with an undefined Heart Centre in a world where goal-setting is constantly emphasized.
13.30 pm - 15.00 pm
The 4 Variables, Dvir Itzaki
Your Variable calculation points to the nature of your awareness patterns. It shows where you are strategic, focused, and active by nature, and where receptive, peripheral, and passive. Essential aspects of your Variable include a particular dietary regimen and physical environment.
15.00 pm - 16.30 pm
PHOENIX IN LOVE: Are You Ready for Aware Partnerships? Anna Valeva - streamed
Your Variable caCouples now have the freedom to define their own unique ways of being together. However, this newfound freedom also brings with it a sense of insecurity, as relationships may seem increasingly impermanent.lculation points to the nature of your awareness patterns. It shows where you are strategic, focused, and active by nature, and where receptive, peripheral, and passive. Essential aspects of your Variable include a particular dietary regimen and physical environment.
17.00 pm - 18.30 pm
Cognitive Potential PHS & Environement - Julia Krakova - streamed
PHS & Environment - What is your cognition? This is an introduction to the Primary Health System and Environment which is the most healthy and correct for you.
18.30 pm - 20.00 pm
The Shifting Landscape of Career & Business, Karen Sherwood
Money, career & business is dramatically shifting as we count down to 2027. The Era of Planning held everything together through the community bargain. As individuals, we were often “forced” to sacrifice ourselves for the good of the tribe just to make money to survive. What happens when that “bargain” goes away as we move into the Era of the Individual? How can we work together and make money in this new era while still being true to ourselves?
08.30 am - 10.00 am
HD Deconditioning is a Healing Journey, Glenda Anderson-streamed
My big passion is to empower each person to be who they were born to be, and live a life in harmony with themselves and the life force of the planet and universe, also to have some fun along the way.
10.00 am - 11.30 am
RAVE GENETICS: Aheaded Mutation, Rumiana Mihaylova-streamed
The ongoing genetic transformations in human children and the emergence of Rave planned to occur after 2027 is taking us to a place and time to begin to share life on Earth with new beings – so extraordinary and different from us.
12.00 pm - 13.30 pm
Lunar Authority Workshop, Rachel Walmsley-Streamed
This workshop will show you how to connect with the lunar cycle, both the mechanics of tracking the gates, and clear tools and guidance for experimentation of observing what changes throughout the cycle.
Zoom 2: 12.00 pm - 13.30 pm
OC16 Experiment Analysis, Nathalie Keijzer
OC16 Experiment Analysis a case study. Let’s see if its a successful experiment and what we learn from it.
13.30 pm - 15.00 pm
We Call it Mutation 2027, Dvir Itzaki
In 2027, the mutation will take place, but we have and we are experiencing a lot of change to get us up to that point. It’s not like in one moment we change who we are, but it is more of a gradual increase of transformation that’s got to happen within our bodies which is going to be reflected back in the external world in a pretty profound way. We are currently living through a time of unprecedented global mutation.
15.00 pm - 16.30 pm
Forecast 2024 - Don Elwik - Streamed
The Rave New Year Forecast and The Program: A Practical Tool for Awareness. The Rave New Year Forecast can provide the specifics of a year’s “lesson plan” for you and the world around you, and for your ongoing process of increasing awareness.
17.00 pm - 19.00 pm
Closing Ceremony, Nisarg Nikkiel
The Rave New Year Forecast and The Program: A Practical Tool for Awareness. The Rave New Year Forecast can provide the specifics of a year’s “lesson plan” for you and the world around you, and for your ongoing process of increasing awareness.
19.00 pm - 22.00 pm
Afterparty - Rave New Year Celebration
We will celebrate Human Design, and the form of celebration will reveal itself when the right time and place meet each other. The End of the 6-day Journey.
[from all over the world]

Darshana Mathews

[Live & Online]

Mary Ann Winiger

[Pre-recorded Interview]

Christine Spicer

[Live & Online]

Nathalie Keijzer

[Live & Online]

Amaya Alzola

[Live & Online]

Helene Hartmann

[Live & Online]

Laveena Archers

[Educational Video]

Ioan Nistor

[Live & Online]

Dubravka Radonjić

[Live & Online]

Pavaka Katzir

[Live & Online]

Alannah and Hagen

[Live & Online]

Ana Valeva


Veronica de Boer

[Live & Online]

Nisarg B Nikiel

[Live & Online]

Peter Berv


Luca Ionescu

[Live & Online]

Julia Krakova

[Live & Online]

Ryan Hanna


Rachel Walmsley

[Live & Online]

Darja Krastina

[Live & Online]

Bambaji Haven Hale

[Live & Online]

Luna Studer

[Live & Online]

Dvir Itzhaki


Sonja Beijering

[Live & Online]

Don Elwick

[Live & Online]
Choose your ticket:

6 days

Zoom access
40 speakers
24 hours of content
All global time-zones
All the recordings

2-6 DAYS

This is a digital gift card. After the purchase, you will receive an email with the gift card and instructions on how to use it. The card can be used as payment for any products we have.
The date of the HD Rave Festival is approaching fast!
[Our Gallery]
We Met Before:
[from previous events]