Hannele Behm
3/5 GeneratorCountry:
FinlandIn a world saturated with information, social media creates an ever-expanding field of content designed to seduce us into the seven-centered way of needing to mentally know, categorize, and be sure of who we are. As the information field becomes denser and begins to distort, we face the ultimate question: What do we choose to believe, or do we believe anything at all?
This talk explores the transition from the structured, belief-driven world of knowing to the unfolding reality of un-knowing as we approach the evolutionary leap of 2027. Hannele offers her personal perspective as a 3/5 Emotional Generator, navigating the powerful waves of the Solar Plexus and the mutation it brings. With honesty and insight, she examines how Human Design supports this transition, helping us surrender the mind’s need for certainty and allowing the intelligence of the body to guide us through this profound shift.
Hannele is a certified Living Your Design (LYD) Guide with a deep focus on strategy, authority, and the mechanics of Human Design. Human Design has provided her with a language to express her emotional and abstract world. A personal trainer and yoga teacher, her practice emphasizes health, movement, and dropping into passenger consciousness. Hannele’s unique blend of Human Design expertise and embodied experience invites participants to navigate the transition from knowing to un-knowing with authenticity and grace.
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