
Nina Rosas

1/3 Projector

This workshop is giving you the experience of a small community living and working together. Nina reflects back on her long business experience and 20 years of exploring Human Design, to give you some suggestions and practical advise. What has been the most useful aspects of HD in a community environment and how can money and awareness cohabit? In what situations has she learnt to rely on other methods where Human Design has proven to be even harmful? If you are part of a community, have dreams of living in one, or simply want to hear an example of a successful way to apply HD in a group setting – this talk could be for you.

Upon meeting Human Design, very quickly Nina felt catapulted to go and meet Ra. An extraordinary journey emerged and she has been exploring different facets of the knowledge since then. Today she is organising experiential Human Design workshops in her retreat center in Southern France, the Basque Country. The functioning of her place is atypical and involves communal living, friendship, parenting and individual passions.

“For the growth of Human Design anyway, it is only when people begin to experience the community of Human Design and what it means to be in a community with others who are aware, that the real transcendent value of this knowledge, far beyond what it does for any individual, will actually become evident.” Ra Uru Hu